We are a family of five: living, loving and growing together! Family, Adoption and God are what we are all about! We are blessed to be on this journey together and hope you enjoy hanging out with us!
I love our small town feeling bank! I was making a deposit today and the teller was one that has been an employee there a long time. While she was doing the transaction I was asking her about our debit card and ATM card being able to be used in Thailand. She was double-checking with another long time employee who came over to the window also. After answering the first gal says "Going to get another baby?!" Now I realize the question wasn't really PC to many people, however I know there was no negative to the way she asked. They were so excited for us, couldn't believe the ages of our first 2 and I loved every minute of it! They were both a part of notarizing the papers for our first 2 as well!! And remember it! I felt like I had a pregnant belly showing!!
My kids love the "regular" teller because she remembers to put the to*tsie rolls in the envelope!! LOL
More later, I haven't had my computer for 2 days so I have some catching up to do!!
First and foremost, thank you for your kind comments to my last post. They really mean alot. I look forward to going through this journey with you. Mine and yours. Ours.
Secondly, still no airfare! I don't know if we should be frantic or not. We have gotten info on NWA's adoption program and United's adoption program. The pickle is we are more interested in United's and it seems to be less expensive, however it is set to expire 3/31/09. And you have to have traveled by then, not just booked. Those "in the know" at United can't imagine it won't be done again this next year, yet it isn't "loaded" in the system at this time. Call back in a few days. OK, but next Tuesday is March 31st......and we leave in 2 weeks and five days. (Not that I am counting down or anything :)) Any ideas anyone please let me know! You know, like OH MY GOODNESS WHAT ARE YOU THINKING.......GET YOUR TICKETS NOW...... or any other advice. LOL
And while we are on the topic of flying. I was looking up some info tonite and started to have a total panic about being "stuck" on that plane for that many hours. YIKES do I need to be THAT out of my mind!! ( I truly need those emoticons faces for my blog--mine would have BIG wide eyes for this one, followed by the green throwing up guy--anyone know where I can get them?!) I did know ahead of time how long it would be, it just hasn't been real for so long. I think I just put it "out there" somewhere and now it is here!! Boy, do I sound like a looney or what?! LOL
Thirdly, we got a FANTASTIC deal for our hotel. I went through Booking.com. One thing I loved about this site was you were able to choose a landmark and max. distance from said landmark for your hotel location. We had decided, if at all possible, to be close to the American Embassy so we could walk there. The Centre Point Saladaeng fit our requirements and then some! We ended up getting 13 nights for just under $700. Woohoo!!
Now, if anyone knows this hotel and it isn't FANTASTIC, please let me know! Then I will look for another great deal!! :)) On Booking.com.
Lastly, my Peanut's Fundraiser will be extended. Check for that tomorrow. I didn't get to advertise quite like I wanted with our travel news and 5% of $70 doesn't go far for a giveaway! ;)) I will also have a ton of stuff listed for sale.
So I will leave you with a LOUD and PROUD-"I'M GETTING MY SON" and I look forward to seeing that on each of your blogs one day, too!!
We are one day closer, little man. And this Mama can't wait.
I must admit I have been wanting to post quite a few different things for the last week or so but besides being busy getting ready to travel :)) I have also been dealing with much guilt since there are SO many families that are waiting. Some longer than us, in different stages, for different reasons, but I still find it difficult to share my news/excitement. So I have just not been posting or emailing.
But I enjoy posting and emailing. I want to share this process with many people.
The waiting is hard. No, I mean really hard. HARD.
I do get the "worth it in the end" statements. I realize it is often said because who knows what else to say. "Hang in there", "it will happen", "you're so close"......all very kind sentiments, meant in the nicest way from very nice people. But I don't offer them any more when I commiserate with a fellow adoptive parent. It is awkward at the end of an email, so I know WHY people use those "lines". I just chose not to as I know what it feels like to be on the other side. I am not bothered by people who do, I truly know they mean well. I want it to be different from me, an acknowledgment that I understand, I understand.
I am not one of those parents who forgets the wait. Granted the wait for my daughter* 8 years ago isn't what it was at that time, but I don't feel it "went away". It is part of her story. It is part of my labor. It is a part of what I had to go through for the privilege of being her mother.
So I will tell all my fellow waiters.....I DO understand. I will do one thing for you without fail, I will PRAY for you, your family and your child who is waiting JUST FOR YOU. I will wait with you, cry with you, be angry with you and rejoice with you.
Just tell me where you are in the process and I'll meet you there.
Don't you think Bug REALLY needs to have his brother come home!??!! Being home with 2 girls most days, all day, is starting to be too much!!
He is really a ham and the two of them just giggle away when they have decided to play dress up. I usually can tell by the amount of giggling whether Bug will be wearing dresses or boy dress up!!
I wonder if new brother will be willing to put all that on!!
This is an important day for our family! This is the day we will meet our son.
A God-given moment of grace.
Normally, you are told the day and time you will meet with the Thai SW right before you travel, if you are lucky. We had been told they would TRY and get us the info before we left--if they could. And knowing WHEN we would actually get to go the orphanage and meet our son, well, we would find that out when we met with the Thai SW.
We were blessed to receive an email from our agency contact saying we would meet her at 9:30am on April 16th! And then she would take us to our son!! Thank you, Sweet Jesus!
We won't talk about the fact our plane arrives in Bangkok at 12:35am on April 16th, nor that 9:30am is really 9:30pm for us.
I have heard there are St*rbuck's in Thailand........all will be good!!! ;))
Last Thursday morning I woke up at 6:15am which is very unusual for me. I got up, walked the dog and for some reason felt the need to go downstairs and check my emails. All very unusual. Now most mornings for the past umpteen weeks, I usually have rushed down to check my email for a response from Thailand. But that thought didn't even enter my mind and thankfully I was sleepy enough to ignore rational thinking. Well, low and behold, the Holy Spirit did indeed have a reason for prompting me as there was an email from the Bangkok Visa Unit. Our Article 5 had been sent on!!
I climbed back in bed, woke Papa up and told him!!
I forwarded the info to our agency and later talked with them. By that night, our contact emailed around 9pm saying she had emailed the Thailand SW letting her know we were ready to travel. About 2 hours later, I received another email saying which date works for you!!!!!*
We intended to take the first date, however over the weekend it came to my attention there was a long holiday during that time. We can't afford to be gone for extra time if the paperwork has delays and there offices are closed. We were disappointed for a little while, and then agreed we at least have a date and KNOW we are going!!!!!!
Here we come little man!!
*As a side note for anyone who may read this and question some steps--we have been approved by the governing board in Thailand since Oct.'08. It has been our country holding things up. So it is not like you can just email the SW and say, OK, I am ready to travel!! There is a process and we have gone through it, just a few extra steps for us and some things a little backwards.
I didn't want to lead anyone astray!!
So many emotions are moving through me. I hope to be able to put them down, share them, remember them.
I do know I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to grow our family. I thank God for the many people He has put in my life to share this journey. I thank God for allowing me to experience this journey, for the challenges and the rewards. I hope and pray I am able to honor Him by sharing our story, encouraging others in their struggles to be parents, to following God's call to care for His children.
Our children have long understood the financial aspect of bringing Munchkin #3 home. They have been a part of cutting back on expenses, Mama taking in a daycare child, skipping extras, etc.....
Peanut, in particular, has been very aware and inquisitive as we have been saving, selling, planning. She has wanted to set up a fundraiser since last summer. Her ideas have ranged from a lemonade stand, where she wanted to charge $20 a glass, to a dinner fundraiser complete with a jumpy thing, or 2 or 3, for kids. One idea she kept going back to was "producing" her own video. A couple of weeks ago, while Mama was out, she convinced Papa it was time! She spent time working out what she wanted to say, set the scene, did her best to memorize it and had Papa shoot it! All of the ideas were hers, implemented with Papa's help. We personally give her an A++++!
We figured the least we could do was help her promote *her* fundraiser. So we are putting it out there! Video included!! She will be tracking any donations made and will be a part of choosing(via random.org) the winner(s)!
Now comes the GIVEAWAY!
In order to enter the giveaway, leave us a comment on this post. Everyone who leaves a comment (whether they make a donation or not) between today 3/13 and 3/27 will be included in a drawing. Random.org will be used to pick the winner(s) on March 28rd, 2009. (Giveaway will end at 12 midnight CST on 3/27)
If you are interested in making a donation, simply click on the orange chip in button and it will bring up a site where you can make a donation via PayPal or a credit/debit card. Any donation, no matter the amount, is truly appreciated!
Please understand, a donation is not necessary to enter to win! We are simply including an incentive to assist Peanut in her efforts to help raise the money needed.
We have chosen 3 different levels to strive for in funds raised. The more donations we receive, the larger the gift card prizes and the better chance you have to be a winner!
For any amount raised up to $1999. one winner will be chosen to receive a cash gift card worth 5% of the amount raised.
An amount raised between $2000. and $2999. the first winner will receive 5% and a second winner will receive 3% of the amount raised in a cash gift card.
Lastly, if the amount raised is over $3000. three winners will be chosen, first and second the same as above and the third winner will receive 2% of the amount raised in a cash gift card.
Make sure to leave an email address or check back on 3/28 as we will post the winner(s) on the blog! And check back during the 14 days--length of time we will be in Thailand when we travel--to see how much has been raised!
We appreciate your prayers and have felt them many times during this wait. It has certainly been challenging but we have also had God "show up" many times to remind us He is in this adoption with us. Please continue to take our prayer requests to the Lord and know you are in our prayers as well.
Might we really get that most wanted *travel call*? Soon?
In adoption-land, there are 2 much anticipated calls of importance. The first is your referral call. This tells you whether your child is a boy or girl, date of birth, a little general info (maybe) or, if you are adopting a waiting child, this call tells you he/she is yours. We have now experienced both kinds of referral calls.
The second call you wait for is the travel call that says your child is coming home on this day (escorted) or you may travel to take your child home.
We WILL experience both kinds of travel calls. We WILL. I do know we will receive that much, muCH, MUCH anticipated phone call.
We WILL rejoice, we WILL give praise to God, we WILL do a dance.....
Our baby steps......the US Embassy in Thailand responded within 2 days to our email and said an officer would review the documents recently received and let us know when the Article 5 is sent. We also received our ICPC approval, which means we will be allowed BACK into our home state with Munchkin #3. Good news for my parents, my sister and brother-in-law who will be taking care of Peanut and Bug!! Thank you, God!!!
Over lunch today we were talking about Easter. I mentioned how I hoped Munchkin #3 would be home in time to celebrate with us. Peanut instantly became upset and starting crying saying "I just can't take it any more, I want him home". Over and over again.
Mama really should have thought before opening her mouth. Chances of us being gone for Easter are greater than him being home by then.
Bug figured that one out rather quickly himself when he responded--"Mama and Papa need to go SOON for him to be home for Easter".
This prompted fresh tears from Peanut. It breaks a Mama's heart when she can't understand herself why he isn't home yet.
It was SO much easier when they didn't have a real understanding of time/days.
I wanted you to know about this publication I’m a part of called Serious.Life Magazine. They just published the March issue today, and I am in their Featured Blog Directory. It’s a very high quality magazine… you’ll really like it. And it's FREE
The magazine includes a lot of great content from bloggers you’ll appreciate, as well as great features, photos and other content. The magazine is owned and published by a family who have seven kids, three adopted and one who has Leukemia (www.riggsfamilyblog.com). The magazine gives away a bunch of ads to charities and ministries. Besides great articles on interesting people, there is a lot about family, adoption, personal finance, spiritual life, humor… all sorts of “life” topics.
Well, how is that for a post title! I was tired of putting update into the title over and over again so I checked the thesaurus. This choice made me feel like I was putting a new cheery spin on a same old same old situation. I need all the cheery I can get.
I didn't call the travel agent. I figured if the price is going to go up then we could just go with the shorter notice which would also be more expensive. And I didn't want to know if it was going up so much that we would be more strapped then we already are.
It won't be March anyway, we would need to fly out next Tues. A week from tomorrow. Not quite possible for a family, kids staying behind, husband's job...
We received an email late Friday night from our agency contact letting us know she had an email response from the US Embassy in Thailand visa unit indicating they had not received the documents she sent. This was from Thursday in Thailand and the documents had been mailed the previous Friday by her. She had overnighted them. There was naturally nothing we could do, it was the weekend .
I do know at this time our contact is doing everything she can to help us.
I also know, above all else, our son has known for 1 full year now that he has a family waiting for him.
I also know we just spent 2 weeks getting documents sent from Thailand to the states just to be turned around and sent back same day. All for future families, to make it easier for them. In other words, we are a test case.
As I said on Friday night to my dear hubby......I am done being a guinea pig.
On another note, in very typical guy fashion, I really didn't have much from my hubby as far as where he stood with the frustrations of this situation. Until Friday night. He was able to express to me his thoughts and it is helpful to know I am not alone in hitting maximum patience.
I can without a doubt say...WE want our son home.........YESTERDAY.
We chatted with our travel agent last Friday, to ask if airfare had changed since early January. Fortunately, it has not. However, he reiterated the need to have at least 10 days notice for reasonably priced airfare. And the airfare will be going up in April and May. It always does he says.
So we need to know by Saturday. This Saturday. As in 3 days from now. March 7th.
Otherwise it will not be until April. At least. (I had to add this, cause who knows, really)
I did not ask what the airfare will go up to. I didn't want to know. I didn't want to think about NOT having my son home by then.
Chances of knowing by this Saturday? It really isn't 3 days, as it is Thursday day in Thailand right now. 11:12am to be exact. Only 1 1/2 days.
And we need answers from 2 different groups in those 1 1/2 days. First one, then the other. Not even simultaneously.
My mind works WAY too much on this stuff. But it is night time, munchkins are sleeping, dog is snoring, hubby is working. Night time is the worst for me, the thinking, frustration, sadness can overwhelm me so easily at this time of each day.
Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom God's love commits me here, Ever this day(night) be at my side, To light and guard, to rule and guide.
We change the day/night depending on when we are praying it. For at least a year now, we have prayed two Angel Of God prayers at each time. One is for Munchkin #3 since his day is our night and vice versa we say the opposite for him.
It is a constant reminder for us that we have a member of our family missing. It helps me to picture him at that moment, what he might be doing, to validate the fact I do have a 3rd child. His journey to us is almost over. The new pics make it so real, too.
I look forward to the day or night in the very near future (I pray!) where we might pray ONE Angel of God prayer, all together!!
I can't help but share this awesome art Bug worked on yesterday morning. He asked me where I was "from" and his Papa. (Which of course prompted a discussion on Nationality, being an American, being adopted, birth parents....)
And using a world book we have, he created this! It is actually 5 individual flags taped together. I was so surprised and touched when he brought it to me!
I LOVE being a muli-cultural family, "complicated" questions and all!!
I am a God-loving Mama married to a guitar playing Papa for 16 years! We are raising 3, almost 4, life-loving kiddos: Peanut is a feisty and sweet 12 year old who loves God and her family. Jet is a funny, happy 12 year old who thinks adoption rocks. Bug is a mischievous and humorous 10 year old who closely resembles Linus. #4 kiddo is still in Thailand, waiting for his forever family. I love my family, reading books, sunny weather, friends, home schooling, blogging, adoption, children, marriage, animals, praying, Chinese, Korean and Thai food, hot cocoa in the winter and pink lemonade in the summer! Thanks for sharing in our life as we travel the adoption journey to our 4th child!